Pressure Data Sheet
The pressure chart at left indicates the pressure re- quired to stamp or impress one letter into mild steel or cast iron. Chart is based upon the use of a sharp face Gothic letter "R" engraved at 45° bevel. The letter "R" was selected because it more nearly represents any character and gives a truer concept of the tons of pres- sure required for stamping. As an example, to deter- mine the tonnage requirements for marking mild steel or cast iron, multiply the proper tonnage indicated next to the character size, by the number of characters to be stamped (i.e. take 10, 1/8" characters and multiply .75 by 10, which equals 7.5 tons required). If metals other than mild steel or cast iron are to be marked or other depths are required, refer to footnotes.
Above chart based on marking mild steel or cast iron.
* To determine pressures for other metals: Multiply the above tonnage by the following:
Soft Aluminum. .6
Soft Brass .8
High Carbon Steel (.80 to 1.00c) 1.5
**To determine other impression depths multiply the tonnage by the following:
1/2 of the depth .75
2 times the depth 1.35
3 times the depth 1.70